Henry and the bell

The bell tolled, and once again Henry’s skin crawled.

For 37 months he had been at the beck and call of the woman in the room upstairs. 
The accident had been desperately unfortunate, but there are ways to handle such tragedy in life. 

Henry took one final look at the ring he’d placed by the sink, picked up the lunch tray and trudged up the creaking staircase.

“To death do us part,” he muttered.
“Pardon dear? Do speak up. You know I so hate it when you mumble.”
“Enjoy your lunch, my love,” he said, as he turned and left.

Hey, Listen

Read More

Read more. It’s good advice full stop, but it’s also what you should do after reading this story. It was written for Friday Fictioneers, hosted as ever by Rochelle. In this group you’ll find other writers posting 100 word stories based around a photo prompt – this week supplied © Roger Bultot! Go read their stories here. Go on. You know you want to!

Horror Music by Migfus20