Catherine’s Sense of Direction

Catherine’s butt was cold from the concrete already, and now it was starting to go numb.

She looked at the time on her phone. She’d been here for over an hour, and was more than a little pissed about that.

“Where the hell are you?” She typed.

… “Gallery. Like I said. Why U not here yet?”

Catherine stood up and looked around.

… “Which one?”

… “MOMA. 53rd St. Tell me you’ve not got lost?”

“Hey Siri,” Catherine said, “How many galleries are there in New York?”

“There are over 1,400 galleries in New York.” Chirped Siri.

Catherine’s shoulders slumped. “Oh fuck.”

Hey, Listen

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Thanks to Rochelle for hosting, and to Lisa Fox for this week’s photo prompt. Please, if you’ve stopped to read this story go read the other ones at the link here.