Finger when you’re winning

Picture the scene: you’ve woken up happy, the coffee was spot on, and your toast was neither too dark nor too “bready”. You’re off for a drive so you grab your keys, adjust the rear view mirror (why is that just slightly off every time?) and you head on out.

The birds are singing and the sky is blue, there’s not been a car on the road. What a truly glorious morning this is. 

But wait, what’s this? No sooner have you turned a corner when the landscape has changed. This next road has an open road your side and parked cars scattered along the opposite side. 

Oh, and here comes another friendly driver also out for a happy drive. 

Hmm, this driver seems to be in a bit of a hurry but given the layout of the cars and your right of way I’m sure he’ll pull over in a moment. 

Oh, he missed the first opportunity to do so. I’m sure he’ll get the next one.

Oops, silly man. He missed it again.

He’s still coming. That’s weird. 

He’s… not going to pull over is he?

You slow to a stop, not wanting to damage the side of your car or, frankly, die an agonising death on a b-road. You catch the drivers eye, and wind down your window. Perhaps a gentle reminder of the rules of the road will encourage him to… oh, he’s waving. 

Hmm, that’s not a wave is it? A wave uses more than one finger.

And off he pops; finger still wagging in the air behind his protective glass shield.

Now you have a choice to make, don’t you. Do you let the ignorant cock-womble ruin your day no sooner than it’s started, or do you swallow it down and lock it away in the depths of your stomach, digesting slowly in a pit of acid where it belongs?